The Every ONE Initiative

"Helping everyone experience a more Jesus-shaped life"

We have done our best to live out these words over these last three years we’ve been together, and we’ve seen Jesus do incredible things among us!

  • We’ve seen more than 30 baptisms and received more than 40 into membership.
  • We’ve commissioned 4 locally licensed ministers
  • Seen an exponential increase in our weekly kids ministry attendance.
  • Grown from averaging 35 people for in person worship to over 250.
  • Packed meals to feed hundreds of hungry kids in Haiti, and we’ve provided meals to the homeless population in St. Augustine.
  • We’ve seen marriages restored, those who felt far from God return home, adults and kids putting their faith in Christ for the very first time, and people experiencing the Holy Spirit in ways that are changing them forever.

I could add so much more, but it would only go to illustrate the same theme: Jesus is transforming the lives of people! We’re seeing in real time the reality of what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

Your church Leadership Team and I believe that this move of God isn’t finished, and that there are more lives that Jesus wants to transform all around our county! I know it can feel overwhelming to think of an entire county, thousands of people, and wonder how we are going to reach them with the gospel. When we focus on everyone it can feel like we can’t really focus on anyone. Thankfully, the reality is we aren’t called to reach everyone – we are called to reach every ONE.

In Luke 15:4, Jesus asks the question, if you had 100 sheep but one of them were lost, wouldn’t you leave the 99 to go find the one that is lost? So we are asking ourselves that same question: Who is the ONE that Jesus is asking me to find? Who is my ONE?



Your ONE will be a person that God has put in your life that doesn’t yet know Christ. They are disconnected from Jesus and His church, but connected to you. Your ONE is someone you care about and you are willing to walk through life’s ups and downs with. Someone who isn’t a project, but a person you genuinely care for and have a real relationship with.

That’s your ONE, and that’s the heartbeat behind The Every ONE Initiative.
The Every ONE Initiative is a call for every Jesus follower at Faith Community Church to answer the question: Who’s your One? It’s an invitation to join God on His redemptive mission, one life at a time.

The Every ONE Initiative is an opportunity to make our facilities at Faith Community more effective and inviting to our ONEs, a place where they feel welcomed and might want to belong.

The Every ONE Initiative is also an invitation to deepen not just our local impact in St. Johns County, but also our global impact by supporting missionaries through the Church of the Nazarene’s World Evangelism Fund, feeding hungry children in Haiti through Mission of Hope, and transforming villages in developing nations through World Vision.

I know God is working through Faith Community to make an eternal difference in people’s lives both locally and globally. I believe all the things we have seen God do among us so far are just the first steps on the way toward where God is calling us to together, and there are even more incredible days still ahead!

The Every ONE Initiative is an investment into people as we continue to help every ONE experience a more Jesus-shaped life.

The Every ONE Initiative Devotional Guide

This devotional guide has been prepared as a resource to help you with that daily/weekly time with your immediate family, Group, or individually. These resources match the sermons of The Every ONE Initiative with daily Scripture readings, study notes, discussion questions, sample prayers, and other worship suggestions that will help you go deeper in God's Word.


Are you ready to step into what God has next? We are seeking partners on this journey. Use the button below to find out more and make a one-time or 2-year pledge.

To set up giving, make sure to select "The Every ONE Initiative" fund when giving online or write "Every ONE" in the memo line of your check.

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Tanya's Story

Kathie's Story

Alex's Story

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