March 25th Weekly Newsletter
Upcoming at FCC
The goal of the Practicing the Way Course is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. Over eight sessions, we’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.
This Friday! Bring a snack to share and join us for fellowship and games!
This Saturday come on out and help us clean up the church campus.
This Star Wars themed public disc golf tournament will help send kids and teenagers to camp this summer! Register Here! If you are interested in sponsoring a hole, email
Go to the App Store to download the app on your phone. We will be doing the Morning, Midday, and Evening prayer as a church throughout the Lenten season leading up to Easter.

Maundy Thursday: Drop-in prayer & communion
Good Friday: 7pm Service
Easter: Service times 7a, 8:15a, 9:45a, & 11:15a
Join us for Hospitality Training on April 6th at 6pm. Anyone interested in attending register Here.
Click here for more information!
Nextgen Events
Join us tomorrow!
Camp is filling up! Parents if you are interested, please click here to check out all details and reach out to Pastor Dani directly to discuss.
Join us THIS Sunday!

What: Florida Teen Camp '25
When: June 30-July 4
Where: Realife Blue Springs: 2650 Lakeshore Dr, Marianna, FL 32446
Who: All students who have completed 6th-12th grade as of June 2025

Sign Up before April 30th for the early bird registration price $295 Click here

Parents, get the latest updates and information about everything planned for youth by texting FCCYTH to (904) 552-2322!
Ongoing Groups
Being a part of Faith Community means that we LIVE our lives together in Jesus-centered relationships where we are accepted as we are and challenged to grow. You need a group of people to walk out your faith with and they need you! Sign up for Groups here.
Serve Opportunities
The “Bundles” initiative at One More Child helps provide hair care products for children and trafficked women with various ethnic backgrounds. Feel free to bring any products above and drop off at church.
Looking for a Serve Opportunity? There are many options:
OUTREACH/SERVICE: Events, Community Projects, and Partners.
PRAYER/CARE: Communion Server, Prayer Partners, Visitations.
GROUPS: Teach a Class, Group Discussion Leader, Group Host, Apprentice.
FAMILY MINISTRY: Kids or Youth Teacher, Helper, Registration, Special Events.
HOSPITALITY: Greeters, Section Hosts/Visitors, Set Up, Offering/Ushers.
WORSHIP/TECH: Instrumentalist, Vocalist, Sound, Lights, Video, Media, Set Design.
Text (904) 552-2322 or fill out a card at the Connection Center at church to let us know where you'd like to SERVE!
Faith Community Church's information uses the Church Center app. Download the app for "one stop" information. Click Here to set it up!
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Faith Community Church
3450 CR 210
St Johns, FL 32259  //   904.287.3223

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